
A twist on Opa’s classic German dish! Smells and tastes like home..
Today it is our pleasure of adding one of our favorite home cooks to the PussFootOG line up. Please welcome Krista Bilodeau and her amazing home cooked meals. Along with this clasic German meal we have a few more recipes coming for Krista so keep your eyes open.
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Ahh the blue water
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Category: Main Course
This meal takes a little time to put together but it’s worth all the effort! There are so many variations on Rouladen, but this one has won over my family!

What you need:
Skillet or Cast Iron Pan
3 Tbsp. Canola Oil
Bottom Round Steaks - one per person
One medium Vidalia Onion
Bacon - one slice per steak
Honey Dijon Mustard
Salt & Pepper
One can beef broth
1 1/4 Cup Water
1/4 Cup Sour Cream
2 Tbsp. Corn Starch
1 Cup Warm Water
To start..
- dice you onion and set aside
- pound your meat
! You want the steaks thin, 1/4” thick ~pro tip, cover with plastic wrap before pounding to minimize splatter!

- spread a Tsp. of Honey Dijon on each steak
- sprinkle diced onion on each steak
- season to taste with salt, pepper, and paprika
- lay a slice of bacon across each steak..

- roll your steaks as pictured and secure with a toothpick!

Congrats! Your prep is done! Aren’t those some great looking Rouladen?? Let’s get some color on that meat!
- Heat your pan and add your oil
- brown your Rouladen on all sides

- once browned add the can of beef broth and 1 1/4 cups of water, bring to a boil
- cover and simmer on medium/low heat for 30 minutes
- remove Rouladen to a dish
- add cornstarch to 1 cup of warm water and mix
- slowly add mixture in to pan and stir continuously, sauce will thicken over 2-3 minutes
- add sour cream and stir
- place Rouladen in the sauce and serve!!

Serve with classic sides like Spatzle and Red Cabbage.. or good old Mashed Potatoes and fresh veggies!!

OMG Yessssss

Thank You Krista for sharing this amazing recipe.
If any of you would like to try more recipes from Krista, make sure to leave a comment below.
Only missing the pics of Brian lol
sigh I miss them pics
Christine XoXo
Looks amazing cant wait to try it
Wow, This looks amazing and reminds me of my mother cooking on sundays.
I was super nervouse you were going to stop posting and I am so happy that you are back with a new contributor. I can wait to see what else she has to post.
Im working on submitting some of my stuff you you as well