This Week's Military Skydiver of the week
is brought to you by
Operation Enduring Warrior

Howdy all, Well 2020 is coming to an end. I will be honest even though is was a very odd year, I belive it to be my all time fave year ever. The Boogies were smaller but we got to make more friends because we had to. Most of us got to become the friends, parents and mentors we all wanted to be. And let us not forget all the bread.
As we close out the year I would love to hear from you all. Who should be named the Militay skydiver of the year.
If you all dont mind, Please take a moment to brows though the weekly posts and let me know who you think it should be
Please send all votes to

Here at PussFoot we appreciate members of the armed forces. Many members of the skydive community are either active service members or veterans and we thought it would be great to honor them here on our page. We will be bringing you a bio every week of our featured "Freedom Flyers" with hopes that you learn something new and share in our appreciation of what these people do for our country.
If you are a military skydiver or know someone you feel should be featured on our wall Please Email our team @
Thank You
I nominate the Outstanding “DOC” Crump for the Military Skydiver of the Year.
I have had a tremendous number of close relatives do amazing things in our armed services that all Americans should be very proud of what they have accomplished in the name of our values set by our founding father. With that said I fully back Thomas Doc Crump as 2020 winner of this well earned and deserved award! Not sure who exactly determines the winner but if it is not Thomas Doc Crump I only hope they can fully justify there decision otherwise to there governing authority! Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all!
I nominate Doc Thomas Crump ! Doc really is the ambassador of all that is airborne and the wonderful world of Sky Diving !
Cobra commander himself… doc crump
I 2nd Doc Crump for the Special Olympics