Name: Misty Buell
Branch of Military: USMC
Status: Veteran
Years of Service: 5.5 years
Number of Deployments: 1-OEF; Helmand Province, Afghanistan 2012
Skydives: 130
Ratings: a solid 3.5/5 <------ lol
Home DZ: Skydive Paraclete
Web: https://skydiveparacletexp.com
Fun Fact: You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
Fav Boogie: Jump for Valor (dare I say it... my first)
lions and tigers Oh My.....

Here at PussFoot we appreciate members of the armed forces. Many members of the skydive community are either active service members or veterans and we thought it would be great to honor them here on our page. We will be bringing you a bio every week of our featured "Freedom Flyers" with hopes that you learn something new and share in our appreciation of what these people do for our country.
If you are a military skydiver or know someone you feel should be featured on our wall Please Email our team @ Pussfootog@gmail.com
Thank You