The Tribe of the Traveling Tiki Presents
1 Super Caravan
1 Sikorsky (heli)
see link below

Well my fine flying blue skies friends...Just in time to get back in the skies and kick some Covid ass, two of my homies, Jeff and Bill have got just the medicine your gonna need and the ultimate place to administer it to cure your corona crian blues! From the creators of one of MY favorite fun boogies, Splash Bash, we can't wait to go to the Tribe of the Traveling Tiki's Beach Boogie,
July 10-11-12.
Cool tropical ocean breezes, soft warm sands, pool, hot tub, FREE BEER, catered buffet dinner, 3 days of unlimited ground transportation from the beach boogie resort to the airport (shuttles will be running every 20 minutes and its only about an 8 min drive), live band on the deck, drink specials....Oh, did I forget to mention: NOTHING BUT BEACH JUMPS!

AND your first 7 full altitude jumps on the super fast Super Caravan are included with registration! Registration is limited to only 100 slots and they're even throwing a super slick Sikorsky Chopper to the mix for your beach jumping pleasure (Chopper tix not included in reg. $65 and additional Caravan tix are only $35).
From the looks of it, you're not gonna wanna miss THIS!!! Registration is still open, but hurry...the 100 slot cap is gonna come quick! Hope to see ya there...Ass in your harness and toes in the water! Get Registered ASAP at www.Splashbashboogie.com