This week we head West to Utah. Oddly over the last week I have had six people tell me that they wanted to visit and jump Utah, so here it is. This week we invite you to try out Skydive Utah. With one Super King Air and one Cessna running hop and pops all day, you are sure to turn loads. Located on the banks of the Great Salt Lake and only 35 min from downtown Salt Lake City, you will find plenty to do on weather holds. PussFoot is planing a trip out to Skydive Utah soon so make sure to keep a look out for some of the team. Don,t forget to tag us on FB and Insta #pussfootog.

That View
Name: Skydive Utah
Address: 4647 N Airport Rd, Tooele, UT 84074
Aircraft: 1 King Air / 1 Cessna 182
Phone Number: (435) 833-9999
Web Site:
Fun Jumper Page:
Prices: $25 full altitude / $18 hop and pop / Gear rental $25

If you would like to see your DropZone featured on PussFoot please let us know by emailing us at the address below. Don't forget to check out our full guides as well!