Dynamic Edge Flight Suits

Dynamic Edge suits:

Have you heard of Dynamic Edge? Well ladies and gents, I came across this page while doing some research on Jump suits and became intrigued. Where did this suit manufacturer come from? I’ve never heard of them or seen a suit in action at my home DZ. So, who could they be? I began to dig deeper and found out who was behind these amazing suits. Her name is Daniela Espinel and she resides in Colombia. I spent a few hours getting to know her and what she is about. It turns out she is not only a suit manufacturer but also a Bad ass skydiver and a member of Team Sun Kissed (293).  A Dynamic Edge Suit will run you around $500 US Dollars shipped.  If you are interested, check them out you will find the link to their site below.  Below you will find a brief phone interview between Pussfoot and Daniela from Dynamic Edge.


Dynamic Edge Suit in Action

How did you become interested in skydiving? When did you start?

When I was 19 my boyfriend was a skydiver. He had a TI and the AFFI rating. I became bored of being at the DZ doing nothing so I decided to learn how to pack. I worked as a packer for a time, but never was able to do the AFF course. I broke up with my boyfriend a year later and I took the AFF course in Skydive DeLand in 2012.

What was your inspiration to start making suits and what drove you to start your company?

Well to start i am a fashion designer by trade. Traveling around to different drop zones I felt that there was a lack of fashion  that existed in the sport. I decided that I would bring my expertise in fashion design into skydiving. I made a few suits for friends and people really enjoyed them. The interest was so high that I had no choice but to start making and selling suits commercially.

What is your favorite part of making suits?

My favorite part of making a suit is when someone dreams up an idea and I am able to make it for them. The excitement in their eyes when they see their dreams come alive makes all the intensive labor of making the suits all worth it.

What is your least favorite part of making suits?

I don't like sewing that much ha-ha.

The Shop


What's next for your company?

I always try to innovate and think of new things. Next year I'll bring some new products that seem to be cool.

Where would you like to see your company in 10 years?

I would love to see people enjoying Dynamic Edge Suits at every drop zone I visit.

What is the craziest request for a suit you have ever received?

A guy from California wanted a suit with cheetah print and purple striped fabric with a green symbol on his chest with orange stitching. I actually made it and it wasn't that bad.

Why suits and not rigging?

Maybe one day I would like to get into rigging. But for now I am content with what i am doing. I live in a country with a small amount of skydivers and too many riggers.

What is your most memorable moment as a skydiver?

A few years ago I had the opportunity to jump in Ecuador from a C -130. As we were landing near a small village, the children came up to us asked for pictures and treated us like hero’s it was so cool and cute.

Do you have any advice for a new skydiver?

Be patient, you will get there.

Do you have any advice for anyone looking to progress in this sport?                                                                   

Travel, go to boogies, meet awesome skydivers that will help you to progress, get coaching and go to the tunnel.

What are your feelings on being a female in this sport?

I’m a skydiver, whether i am a female or male I am still a skydiver and treated as such.

If you were a drink what would you be and why?

I think I'll be beer; I love a beer when I finish jumping. It’s so satisfying.

Daniela Espinel - CEO Dynamic Edge

     Credits :

     Nick Legname, Brian Casserly



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