Tell me who you are.
Really, I'm pretty simple.
I have a wonderful family. I have the most supportive wife and I was blessed with kids that are actually really cool! I don't sit still long and am always getting into something. I'm just desperately holding onto my youth while I try to keep up with everything going on around me.
The Fam
What do you do for work?
Currently I am a Combat Medic for the Army but I leave for school soon to become a UAV (drone) Pilot.
You can almost smell the Freedom
So I hear you're a new skydiver, Is that true?
Yes...But no.
I did my first tandem in 2012. When I landed I walked to manifest, put enough money on the counter to pay for my A license and began my static line progression program the next weekend. Then I took a break for several years not long after acquiring my A license because of babies and such. I just hit the 200 jump mark this summer.
If sexy was a photo
How did you become interested in skydiving?
I think like most people. Ever since I was little I have been infatuated with all things flight. Then in the 90's, 9 year old me was in awe watching 4 way teams and dudes on what I thought was snowboards soar through the sky competing in the X-games. It was the coolest thing ever. Pretty sure from that moment on I knew I would eventually be jumping out of planes.
Hate to let you know but this aint the X games
When did you start?
I haven't yet, but my Mom assures me it's natural and it happens to every girl.

Snakes or kangaroos?
In a fight, a snake. As a pet, a kangaroo.
Make up your mind man
What is your most memorable moment as a skydiver to date?
I recently re-enlisted with the Army and was sworn in by my Major who did her first tandem that day and I swore in on the ground after our jump. The "Big Spoon" was her TI and I had all of my friends and family there. Was definitely one I'll remember.
would you look at that CONGRATS!!
What is your favorite part of the skydiver life so far?
There's so many answers. For me, it's about the people and the escape. I found my people in this sport. There's so many amazing people, tons of respect, and natural friendship among skydivers.
The sky is my escape. It doesn't matter how bad my day is going or what kind of things going on, none of it matters the second I step out of the plane. Overall you kind of lose sight of all the trivial things in life and tend to focus on what's really important. I think that's sort of what makes all skydivers get along so well.
Not sure whats going on here
What is your least favorite part of the lifestyle?
This is by far the hardest question you've asked. I don't really have a good answer because I typically enjoy everything about skydiving. I sometimes even enjoy the thing I'm about to say. And that's answering questions about skydiving. Of course I love talking about skydiving but there is a certain set of questions that typically turn me off fairly quick. They fall into categories like "aren't you afraid of dying" "don't you worry about not being there for your kids" "How can you spend so much on something for yourself". There's so much more to skydiving than those things and I hate that that's what people tend to think if first.
Well are you scared?
Speedos or Ranger Panties?
Ranger Panties!
Tell us about a day in your life
My 9-5 is fairly uneventful for the most part. At night I try to spend as much time with the family as possible. When I'm not jumping I spend my weekends in wrestling matches with a 5 year old, face masks with my girls, drinks with the wife, old records, painting, or building something. I get bored easy so I'm always on the go and I rarely know what I'll be into next.
Dad of the year !!
Tell me about your shenanigans at boogies.
Well as far as boogie shenanigans go mine are pretty mellow. As a mediocre skydiver I like to use boogies as an opportunity to just have fun. Maybe try a new jump, do a zoo dive, and just kind of go with the flow. I'm fairly introverted so boogies are a great way to force me out of my comfort zone.
look at you go Mr. zoo dive
I know you like to wear women's underwear, full backs or thongs?
Boy Shorts!
FYI this is not Justin lol
Do You travel often?
No, and that makes me sad. But 2021 is looking up!
See you there
You drive a Bronco, So you want one of the new ones?
As much as I wanted to hate them I really like the 2 door. If it performs as good as it looks on paper I see one in my future.
What's next for you and your adventures?
Man, who really knows. As of now it looks like I'll be moving to Germany next year. I plan on broadening my military career and collecting ratings in skydiving. But if I've learnt anything in the last 35 years I've been alive it's that you never know what tomorrow brings so always be ready to just go with the flow.
Well this looks like fun
Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
Retired, on a boat, in the Gulf. If not, finishing up my career with the Army dreaming about being retired, on a boat, in the Gulf.
Always a kid at heart
What was your favorite boogie and why?
I've only been to a handful of different boogies and honestly Point Break was stellar. To be fair, it was my first boogie ever though.
One of the best pics from last year and you took it
Sweetarts or Fun dip?
Fun Dip.
This dosent go in your nose Justin gosh.
What is the craziest thing you have done at a boogie?
I was hired to do blacklight body painting at one. Let's just say the request and canvases offered pretty much covered that.
So Moist
Never mind a boogie, what's the craziest thing you've ever just done?...
Well, I can't top peeing off a warlords palace in Iraq and all the truly crazy things I probably shouldn't admit to. But I would say in my youth crazy and stupid where synonymous. We did once grossly underestimate the power of tannerite and leveled an entire barn with single 308 round.
Cow Bell?
I heard you like to pal around with a group called Udder Chaos what's that like?
Oh man. Yeah, that's a thing. The funny thing about Udder Chaos is that it started completely as a joke. Someone invented a stupid skydiver handshake resembling the milking of udders and then someone said how funny it would be to enter nationals as a crappy 4 way team with intent to get dead last. Bombing formations, terrible exits, just utter chaos. Thus...Udder Chaos was born. Now there's cow suits, jerseys, stickers, neckbuffs, and of course the stupid skydiver handshake! We're a group of friends on and off the DZ. We typically just try to have a good time. We all came up the ranks at our local DZ together and it's been evolving ever since. We pride ourselves on our willingness to include new jumpers. We've all been that new jumper looking to step outside our comfort zone, meet new people and get in on bigger and more exciting jumps. So definitely if you're a new jumper and you see someone rocking an Udder Chaos sticker on their helmet or rocking a jersey, don't hesitate to ask if you can get in on a jump with them.
Mooooooooooo Fool
If you could go back and give yourself some advice a year ago what would it be?
Invest in Amazon!
Also, you don't know shit until you're 35. And then you've only learned that you don't know shit.
And lastly don't listen to the people that tell you you can't do something. I think through life we all cross people who tell us we can't do something or we're not good enough to do something. Go for it anyways. You might just surprise yourself!

Do you have any advice for anyone looking to progress in this sport?
Take it slow. I think it's easy to get caught up in trying to get gear, downsize, free fly, learn to swoop, get your Tandem rating…
Don't worry about that. All that will come, take your time. Learn the basics and try to learn from each jump. Ask people who you know are better than you if you can jump with them. Don't go to the loading zone alone hoping to get in on a group, ask long before the 20 minute call if you can get in on a jump.
Sent it
If you were a drink what would you be and why?
A Tom Collins. Cause I'm smooth but I will mess you up.
Freakin Classy
Do you prefer the number 3 or 43?
Well, my favorite number is 3. So that was easy.
The Best
After a few of them drinks, how would you feel if I whispered “cream pie” in your ear?
I'm glad I saved room for dessert.

Thank you Justin for taking some time to do this with me. I am lucky to call you a friend and cant wait to jet back up in the air with you this weekend.
Until then stay safe, keep on keeping on and Blue Skies
Love this! So proud of Justin and the man he’s become!! Nice read about a great guy!! Love you son!
I love this man and respect his need for adventure and fun. My life was 100% boring before I met him! I’m proud of him every day.
Love you man and im glad to have met you
can wait to see what we can get into next