Tell me who you are.
I’m 20 years old and throughout my short time on this planet all I’ve ever wanted to do is fly. I am a huge mental health advocate and have dedicated my time and energy towards bettering myself and those around me.
Do you go to school?
I do! I’m a sophomore at a junior college in Saratoga (West Valley College) but am currently taking the year off since I don’t feel as if learning online is an adequate way of learning for me. I’m a psychology major, and plan on becoming a Clinical psychologist who specializes in OCD, as that’s something I struggle with in my day to day life. I want to help other people become the best version of themselves and overcome the struggles of mental health and ultimately see the light at the end of the tunnel
Is that a gang sign?
How did you become interested in skydiving?
I remember being around 10 years old, and my parents asking me “What is one thing you want to do when you grow up”? I vividly recall telling them I wanted to “squirrel suit off the Eiffel Tower”, even though that may not be possible haha. What I really meant was that I just wanted to know what it felt like to fly, and be completely free.
When did you start?
I did my first tandem in August 2018. I practically begged my parents all throughout my teenage years to let me go skydiving when I was 16. As expected, they said no, and no, and again NO! So I waited until I turned 18, and the first thing I did was book a tandem. It was everything I could’ve asked for and more! Aside from the fact that I thought my eardrums might explode I had never felt so free and happy in my entire life. From that moment on I knew that skydiving was something I wanted to do, but I wanted to be able to do it by myself, and feel that satisfaction. After getting home from my tandem I immediately went back to the drop zones website and started looking into doing my Accelerated Freefall Course. I shortly realized that skydiving was the furthest thing from being cheap, and so I decided to save up until I had enough money for the A license course. Fast forward 2 years I finally had the funds, and the perfect opportunity had arisen for me. In June of 2020 I decided to start my skydiving journey, and I haven’t looked back once since then.
The First Jump :-)
Thick or Thin?
If we’re talking about milkshakes, absolutely thick!
So Thick - So Good
What is your most memorable moment as a skydiver?
My most memorable moment as a skydiver probably had to be my 100th jump. My DZO and one of my AFF instructors had multiple conversations with me about how they believed that doing a Horny Gorilla exit is the absolute worst way to exit the plane if you want a successful skydive. They pointed out that exiting is one of the most important parts of a skydive, and he is right! And they made it incredibly clear that when you do a horny gorilla exit, you’re not only very unstable, but you also lose lots of altitude, and fast! And as much fun as they are, you basically lose half of your skydive. So they were very against horny gorilla exits, he then proceeded to tell me he’s never done one in his entire skydiving career which is thousands of jumps! So when I had around 80 jumps I asked him if for my 100th skydive he would do his first (yes I said first I know I owe beer) FIRST horny gorilla exit, and he said yes! I was able to gather around all my sky family who helped me get to 100 jumps for my 100th skydive together. My DZO and I did a horny gorilla exit (HIS FIRST HORNY GORILLA EVER) we docked and then my other 5 skydiving friends ended up joining us for a belly round. That was by far the best skydive I’ve done so far, everyone had the biggest smile on their faces, and almost everybody made it! I was able to get in a high five tracking away from everyone and was so filled with joy I actually cried under canopy and when I landed.
Nope, Looks like no fun was had.
What is your favorite part of the skydiver life?
There are so many things I love about the skydiver life, but my main things are the community and the sense of relief and peace of mind that skydiving gives me. When I first started skydiving I was in a really tough place. I had just parted ways with my best friend and the majority of my friend group, so I felt alone. But as soon as I started skydiving I was brought in with open arms by everybody and was immediately accepted for who I was by everyone at the drop zone. Since then I’ve made life long friendships, and haven’t looked back at my previous life since. Also if you think about it, when you’re jumping out of a perfectly good airplane it’s nearly impossible to think about anything. You don’t have any time to think about all the awful, pispoor things is throwing at you, and all that really matter right there and then is that moment. Given all the terrible, and awful things that happened throughout 2020, skydiving was the one place I didn’t have to think about any of it.
Its the poeple
What is your least favorite part of the lifestyle?
I’d have to say my least favorite part about the lifestyle is all the money I’ve spent on the sport, and the initial negative thoughts people have about me when I tell them I’m a skydiver.
The Pain
*Tell us about a day in your life
Right now since I’m not currently in school my day typically consists of working from home for a well known tech company and then spending the rest of my days reading, playing with my furry friends, going for a walk, and figuring out what I need to get done throughout the rest of the week in order to make it to the drop zone all weekend!
Is that a sprite in your hand?
Do you prefer your men in speedos or booty shorts?
I really depends on the package, but I’d have to say speedos
Just for you Robert K
Do You travel often?
Well, kind of? My family absolutely loves Hawaii. My parents love the islands so much that they had their honeymoon in Maui on Makena beach and decided to name me McKenna. They also visited and loved the road to Hana, therefore making my middle name Hana, and named our first dog Maui! We typically go to Hawaii once or twice a year and that’s typically where we travel too each year!
Honestly not a huge chocolate fan. I can handle it in small doses, but don’t think I could ever finish a full chocolate bar.
Micro dose only lol
What's next for you and your adventures?
I want my next adventure to be out of country, to be exact, I want to go to the Maldives in March for the boogie!
Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I see myself graduating college, and finally becoming the self loving woman I’ve always wanted to be. I would like to run my own private practice where I help teenagers overcome the horrific struggles of life, and in particular teach others how to live and over power their own negative mind, and combat the difficulties of living with mental illness, and OCD.
Good words, Good thoughts, Good deeds
So you're a NorCal girl whats that like?
Well it’s great! I live 30 minutes from Santa Cruz so the ocean is practically at the tips of my fingers, so if I need to escape my little town I just take a 30 minute cruise, and I’m at the beach. Being close to Big Sur, and Tahoe, I never feel too stuck, and I always know if I need a break I can always find one.
What was your favorite boogie and why?
I’ve never been to one!
Sweet or sour?
I’d have to say a little bit of both. I like my beer to start sour and end with a hint of sweet, and that’s how I like everything else in my life.
Any other EX sports you are into?
Growing up I’ve played sports my entire life. I played softball, basketball, soccer and even played badminton my junior year of high school. As much as I enjoyed all these sports, I ended up spending most of my time doing adrenaline seeking activities such as cliff jumping, skiing, and skateboarding.
Ill Jump off anything for a klondike bar
Never mind a boogie, what's the craziest thing you've ever just done?...
Ha I probably shouldn’t answer this
lol lol its ok we get it
Favorite Movie?
Growing up I had really severe stomach issues and found a movie when I was 15 that really related to me, called Miracles from Heaven. It was about a girl who developed severe health issues, fell from a tree, hitting her head, and nearly died. All her health issues ended up being resolved. So I guess after seeing that movie it really gave me hope for my own situation and allowed me to see that there is hope.
Pool or Beach?
Oh the pool absolutely
Pool Side
Bikini or one piece?
One piece so I can cover all that extra love ;)
Ahhh nothing to hide
Do you have any advice for a new skydiver?...
Do not let your fear for what can go wrong take control and hold you back. Keep a beginners mindset always, and trust yourself, and know that you’ll know what you need to do. Believe in yourself, and what you’re capable of, and don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. JUST JUMP
Do you have any advice for anyone looking to progress in this sport?
Don’t get cocky, always think of yourself as a beginner, and realize that the sport is about constantly learning new things, becoming better, and not becoming complacent. Never let anything discourage you, and keep pushing to improve your skills, and becoming a better human being and skydiver.
Be kind to everyone
Do you have any advice for other females in the sport or advice in general?
Keep your head up, don’t let anybody discourage you. And realize that you’re a goddamn badass and no one can take that away from you. I mean you’re jumping out of planes, that alone is a lot. Stay confident in yourself, and don’t let anybody regardless of their experience to pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do. Meaning if someone is telling you, you need to downsize and you don’t feel ready, don’t do it. If you don’t feel like jumping and someone tries pressuring you into jumping don’t do it. Listen to your gut, and only do what you believe is in your best interest. You’re the main character in this life, so don’t let anyone make you feel as if you’re anything less than that.
If you were a drink what would you be and why?
Oh well this might be one of the most difficult questions I’ve ever had to answer. I’d say if I had to be a drink I would definitely be a sprite. Don’t ask me why I’d just be a sprite.
---gulp gulp gulp ---
Do you prefer the number 34 or 3?
I don’t prefer either. I like the numbers 8 and 18 lol, but if I had to choose between the two I’d say 34.
Fine be that way 8 and 18 it is
Moist cake or hot pretzels
It depends on what the context is, but I’m not a huge fan of cake but I love the word moist but also really love hot pretzels especially when they come with mustard.
Im feeling it too!!
Thank you McKenna for taking some time to do this with me. We are looking forward to having you one the team and can not wait to get in the sky with you
Until then stay safe, keep on keeping on and Blue Skies

Awesome, girl!!
Interesting! Great perspective for a young woman. Keep moving forward. Love you!
Great article. Proud of you McKenna!
McKenna is such a glowing figure on the dz we love when she shows up !