We are super exciter to bring you an interview with the owners of Ouragan Sport (suits). With all of the suit choices for suits these days I thought it would be fun to share a company that makes some super amazing gear owned by some rad skydivers. Ouragan is not a new company, ask any one that owns one and they will tell you that they have had the suit for years and its still holding up like a tank. Ouragan makes a suit fitted to you and with some amazing customer service and competitive prices (Custom Swoop Shorts starting at $225 and custom suits starting at $330)- im sure you are not to be disappointed.
Meet Dave Samson and Myriam Coulombe (Dave & Myriam is also expecting their first child this year - congratulations!!!!) I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did. If you are interested in a suit you can visit their online store at the link below.
Link: https://www.ouragansport.com/
How did you become interested in skydiving? When did you start?
I got interested in skydiving while reporting on Jeb Corlis on TV, I thought «Oh my god! I want to do that !» A few days later, I was in tandem. I had expected the highest level of adrenaline I had ever had! As soon as I landed I signed up for my parachutist course.
I started skydiving because of Dave. Before knowing him, I never thought I would be a skydiver one day. I always said that I was afraid of heights that I did not like the plane. In short, full of excuses! Finally, I made my tandem on July 5, 2017, because Dave told me so much about it, that it made me want to try it! After that day, I fell in love with the skydive! It was in May 2018 that I officially started the skydive.
Oh Hey
What was your inspiration to start making suits and what drove you to start your company?
The company had existed for several years already. We both did business with Ouragan to purchase our suits. When we went to get Dave's suit, the owner suggested that the company was up for sale. That's when I said to Dave, "Why don't we buy Ouragan !?" I imagined us working together in our company.
My dad is also a business owner, I knew what it was to be an entrepreneur, and I knew Dave knew it because he owned a business before. It was in February 2019 that we started the process to buy this beautiful company.
How did you come up with the Name Ouragan?
The name Ouragan already existed. We decided to keep the same name.
The Dave
What is your most memorable moment as a skydiver?
The best moment I had as a skydiver was without a doubt our engagement! It was on July 6, 2019 that Dave and I got engaged in the sky. A jump at 16 00 feet, with a sunset, I had the chance to jump with a beautiful white dress, and after landing, Dave knelt before me, and he asked me the famous question "Do you want to marry me?". It was with tears in my eyes that I said "yes" without hesitation!
I am fortunate to have a lover with the same passion as me, and we are enjoying it, and it is also for this reason that I wanted to buy Ouragan.
My best moment is our engagement jump, it was a magic moment for me! Taking the leap with Myriam and all the other friends who accompanied us for this moment will remain in my memory for life. But above all, all the jumps I make with Myriam are magic moments for me. Just before falling I say to myself "Ok! It’s my lover in front of me, live this moment thoroughly and pay attention "It’s just crazy!
She said Yesssss
What is your favorite part of making suits?
My favorite part of making a suit is 100% when I'm in front of a blank page and I have to create. I love that !
For my part, what I like most about working at Ouragan is the contact with our customers. To answer their questions, to satisfy them with their purchase, to advise them of a follow-up according to their need, and to have comments on what he thinks of us after their purchase. I make sure that Ouragan has good customer service, because buying a suit is very important for a paratrooper. I like to take the time for my customers, whether to work on my English, so that when I receive calls, I will be able to answer them well, because my first language is French, or even to write a note on each of the boxes we deliver, each customer is as important as the one as the others.
Myriam Showing off her suit
What is your least favorite part of making suits?
Dave and Myriam:
What we dislike most is unraveling a suit. We don't do it often, but these are the things we don't particularly like.
Tell us about a day in the Ouragan factory
A day at Ouragan, it is essential to have a coffee and the music! I’m going to see the employees to tell them good morning, laugh with them, for me it’s very important to laugh and have humor with these employees, I find it very stimulating. I take care of the progression of the new suits, the website, the inventory. I like to touch everything at Ouragan, because I believe that it is the key to success in understanding the proper functioning of the business
The days at Ouragan are very different! We have many things to do, and we do different things every day.
First, I love coming to the office with good coffee for everyone! Especially on Mondays or Fridays!
First of all, I answer all customers, because like I said, I love customer service. Thereafter, I take a lot of management. I make sure that nothing is missing, I make orders, I manage the employees and make sure that the productions are going well, if necessary, I help the seamstresses in their work, otherwise, I take care of accountability.
Dave and I have great teamwork and we are very versatile. So if one or the other needs, we will help each other without hesitation.
One goes this way one goes that way
What's next for your company?
I have so many ideas in my head and projects, it's crazy! We have new products that will be sold soon, some accessories, but I can not say more because it will not be a surprise! haha!
I think Ouragan needs to make itself known. We are two young skydivers, we want to travel and jump in the other dropzones. We want to be close to the skydivers.
Lets go to florida next
Where would you like to see your company in 10 years?
I don't know how Ouragan will be 10 years from now, but one thing's for sure, I want it to be the way it is right now! I want a company that has evolved in the right direction, a company that will always have the respect of these customers. I see a company that has succeeded in building a beautiful community and I hope that by then, we will have given our best to make this magnificent sport grow!
What a difficult question! In 10 years, I see Ouragan is going to have grown, and that we are going to have offices in the United States or elsewhere in the world.
This Dog Though!!!!
What is the craziest request for a suit you have ever received?
We haven't received any crazy requests yet, but when that time comes, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun creating something for these customers with crazy ideas!
Do you have any advice for a new skydiver?
The best advice I can give to a new skydiver is to take his time in this progression, to ask questions, there are no bad questions but just good answers that will help him to progress well. The skydiver is above all a beautiful community, so for a beginner it is important to take advantage of it!
If you are a new-skydiver, I advise you to take the time in your progress, not to go too fast, because each step of the progression is important. Take the time to find out which discipline interests you the most, and have the right people coach you.
In addition, if you are a new skydiver before purchasing your suit, ask for advice. Do not buy a suit because it is beautiful, or because it is the cheapest. Buy a suit that will suit your needs. If you bought from Ouragan, you can ask me questions, I'm a skydiver and all questions are good. Buying your first suit is very important! Take your time !
Its Free
I hear you are also a Tattoo artist, tell us a little about your work.
I have been a tattoo artist for almost 10 years, I still work a few days a week in a private studio. It’s interesting to make a living from your art.
For my part, I have worked part-time in the hospital since the age of 18. I work more particularly with children. Like at the hospital, at Ouragan I like to take care of people and to answer their questions well
If you were a drink what would you be and why?
I would be a bloody Cesar, very spicy, a lot of bacon with a little umbrella because…bacon.
If I were a drink, I would be sweet pink but not too much, with a little assiduous taste, but above all refreshing. So I would be a raspberry Mojito!
Thank You both for taking the time to share your passion with us.
If anyone has any questions for Dave or Myriam please feel free to reach out. All contact info can be found on their website
And remember if you do choose to buy an Ouragan suit, you will be joining a family and will continue to have access to information and service long after your purchase.
Blue Skies
Brian Casserly
I am trying to get ahold of Nancy, the original founder of Ouragan suits. Do you know where I can find her?
I love my suit never once did i have any issues with it or the people at Ouragan
Best money i ever spent. amazing fit and amazing customer service
I will never buy a one size fits all suit again. dont waste your money when you can get a fitted suit for less from Ouragan.
You guys rock and im excited to see you growing.