Welcome to PussFoot first official OneWheel Post
we plan on bring you fresh OW content weekly
so tune in and enjoy
if you have a story pic or video you would like to share with the thousands of people who read our posts please feel free to email us at Pussfootog@gmail.com
If you dont have a OneWheel and are on the cliff about the price or not sure if you will use it, I have one piece of advice.
BUY ONE !!!!!!!!!!
They are beyond fun and practical for short commutes.
The OW will get you out and enjoying life day one!
So What do you get when you pay $1800 for your OW?
Check out the video below to see
Float on and stay classy
Make sure to follow PussFootOG on Insta and FB as well as The Hover Goat
(FB only) for a chance to win some OW gear