Leading the Escapade - Some people that sail and stuff

Tell me who you guys are.
Hey, we’re Jason (30) and Janaye (29). We’re an Aussie Couple that love the ocean, adventure and traveling the world ticking off bucket-list items and destinations, eating yummy food, scuba diving and just having a bloody epic time! We currently liveaboard our jeanneau Sun odyssey 40 Sailboat and our dream/goal is to circum-navigate the world on our tiny floating home
Love it
What do you do or what did you do for work?
Janaye used to be a freelance hairdresser/nail technician and Jason Had a Small business installing glass showers and the likes, but we both gave that up to travel overseas and document our sailing/travel adventures on youtube showing the places we visit and the good, bad and everyday lives living aboard our tiny floating home
Some office
How did you become interested in sailing?
We actually came home super hungover together from a 3 day music festival so we decided to get on youtube and we remember watching an episode that randomly popped up previously of this aussie guy sailing, so decided we would try to find his account again. We were lucky enough to find it and ended up binging ALOT of episodes and basically decided we wanted to do the same and it sounded like a Dream! We made it our new goal instead of saving for our first home
I know the pain trust me
When did you start?
We left Australia in july 2021, and bought a boat in Greece about 3 weeks into our search once we arrived in Europe
The search for a new beginning
Tell us all a little bit about your YouTube channel!
Going back to the story about how we became interested in sailing… one of the reasons it appealed to us is because we’ve always loved making aftermovies/content of our travels around the world already so we weren’t just interested in the sailing but also making content/vlogs of our lives sailing the world like what we were watching on youtube. We’re absolutely loving creating content so far and hope to make it a full time and long term career
Thick or Thin?
Hahah are we talking about pizza crust here cuz thats what my mind is going to LOL
Thats exactly what I ment lol
What is your most memorable moment aboard your yacht?
Definitely the first time having a pod of dolphins swim at the bow, there’s honestly nothing else like it

What is your favorite part of the nomad sailing life?
We love the freedom of being able to choose where to go next, not living in the same place for too long and just experiencing different cultures and places on the regular. No day is the same. Oh also totally not having to listen to an alarm every morning now haha
What is your least favorite part of the lifestyle?
Definitely being super exposed to mother nature (the weather) It can be pretty scary or unsettling at times and we frequently have crappy nights sleeps due to waking up checking the boat isn't dragging in windy weather, but this definitely settles with time and building trust and confidence in your skills and boat
Days like this must make up for the bad ones
Tell me about your shenanigans at sea.
Well we have had a bit of a run in with a large container ship that almost plowed us over. It was bloody scary. We thought we had right of way due to being under sail so we were screaming at him as us Aussies do ,calling him all sorts of names like a road rage situation haha but once we posted the footage on youtube there was a lot of controversy on who should've been the give way vessel. You’ll have to check out the episode
Couldnt find a photo
insert handsom man here
Do you prefer being at anchor or moving around?
That's a hard one as it really depends. It’s nice to spend a few days at a beautiful anchorage to really soak it in but also it's really fun to always discover a new place, but only if it's by choice. It's never fun if you're moving around because your visa is almost finished and you have to exit the country, those seem to be the times where you get caught in bad weather you may not normally choose to go out in and disaster strikes. It's happened 2 times out of 2 so far!
Going nowhere fast
Spicy food?
We love spicy food but not so spicy you can't taste anything else.
What's next for you and your adventures?
We plan to keep traveling through the med this year, we have ideas on places but no solid plans so we’ll just go with the flow somewhat, and the with any luck we’d love to cross the atlantic at the end of the year to the Caribbean
On the move
I know you free dive, Tell us a bit about that.
I wouldn’t say I (Janaye) free drive, love to snorkel but pretty hopeless holding my breath. But I would love to do a free dive course when we get the chance. Jase is much better and practices pretty regularly when the weather is warm enough. We’re both also certified scuba divers so were hoping we can fund some personal dive gear soon which will really ramp up the content as well
Nope she dosent free dive at all
What's it like living full time on a boat?
It’s pretty damn cool if you ask us. We have the ocean as our backyard and we don’t have the same backyard everyday. We will say though it's certainly not easy. Normal everyday tasks like doing washing or getting groceries take 3 times as long as usual so the days just fly by sometimes only doing errands and nothing fun at all.
Not a bad backyard!
Favorite meal to cook while out at sea?
I (Janaye) love to cook! But so far we've only done day passages so I havent had to really pre prepare too much like you would when doing a crossing or anything. But i mostly cook things I would at home, I love slow cooking meat, lasagna is my speciality and trying random new recipes all the time
Where would you like to see yourselves in 10 years?
We would be absolutely stoked if our lives we’re still traveling the world by sailboat, making a full time income online. The goal would be to have multiple income sources too so we could travel around by sailboat plus spend time at home in one place for part of the year to see family and friends. Married with a couple of cute kids who we can show the world also. There's a few other business ideas I have but obviously you can't do everything at once so they’ll come with time and hopefully some savings again
Somewhere on planet earth living life
Is it hard being together all the time, and do you find it taxing on your relationship?
We’re lucky we get along like bestfriends so even after 6 months of living in each other's pockets we don’t argue often. But of course like any relationship we fight sometimes, it's only normal
What was your favorite port so far and why?
It was pretty cool to pull up at Zakinthos, Greece… although I wouldn't call it a port exactly as we sailed straight from Kefalonia Island to Navagio (shipwreck) Beach. This beach was on my bucket-list for years so it was really surreal to go there on our own sailboat for the first time
OMG yes please
Sweet or sour?
That’s such a hard question. But I do love Sour lollies and anything with lemon!! Jase would pick sweet though I think
Whats your favorite book?
The Subtle art of not giving a F*CK is great! Everyone should read that!
Plus the barefoot investor is another goodie, that really helped us to pay off debt and start saving to buy our boat and fund our travels
I'll have to give it a read
What is the craziest thing you have done while sailing to date?
Hmmmm think that one's a bit too cheeky to tell haha we’ll leave that one up to your imagination
lol lol
Never mind while sailing, what's the craziest thing you've ever just done?...
We’ve done a few cheeky things but i think the craziest thing we’ve honestly ever done is taking the leap, leaving everything behind and literally moving across the other side of the world with just each other and suitcase. Im proud of us for taking the risk...
Follow your dreams, Oh and the compass
Thats important too!
Favorite Movie?
All these favorite questions or this or that, you're killin me i'm too indecisive LOL I really can't pick but I (janaye) love rom-com’s and light hearted movies and Jase loves Crime Doco’s
The only way to watch a movie
Pool or Beach?
Probably Beach, Because it's natural and its so exciting to see new beautiful beaches in different countries. Especially with super clear water and palm trees.
Cause when you have a boat who wants the pool
Do you have any advice for a new cruiser?...
Do it you wont regret it, but dont be stupid about it, learn as much as you possibly can before hand and talk to as many people as you can
Just do it people
Do you have any advice for anyone looking to just get up and start sailing?
Watch loads of youtube videos as it'll motivate you and keep you inspired! Do as many courses as you can and lots of reading and research. Probably don’t just jump in as clueless as we were, get some experience if possible with experienced sailors because as much as we’ve learnt so much by jumping in the deep end, there've been a few scary moments where I wish I knew more…. But at the same time I guess those moments are what teach you the lessons, as long as they are not fatal
Looks like you are learning FAST
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to buy a boat?
Do loads of research on boats you’re interested in for quality and specs and get price guides etc. Don't buy a boat in the middle of sailing season, It's near impossible and you won't have much choice. Use a boat broker, it costs you nothing and helps loads with paperwork and formalities. Spend your money on a great surveyor for your boat inspection, it's well worth it so you don’t get caught out in the long run
Let the games begin
If you were a drink what would you be and why?
Janaye- Lemon Cheesecake Cocktail because it’s my specialty and it’s sour and sweet ;) I’ll post the recipe on an episode soon!
oh yeah
Jason- Cafe patreon, because it’s no longer available LOL
im cool with it
Do you prefer the number 34 or 3?
3 because we're nearly at 3,000 subscribers!!
Congrats on all the subs
Link to YouTube

Hi New to your page
Love that someone is posting stuff like this.
Thank you for taking your time to post these
OMG these guys are killing it
Great article
amazing photos
wow you guys are truly inspiring
I wish I could have one year of life like that
OMG i love their YT
so happy to read more about them
Thank you for this