Tell me who are you.
Howdy, My name is Brian Casserly. Hmm who am I? Well first off I am a father of three amazing young women. Second, I’m just a speedo wearing, fireball drinking, self absorbed little spoon lol. A 40 something year old guy who has what I would call “severe adult ADD”. I mean I’m always looking for a thrill and can never sit still. Oh, I hate talking about myself and I HATE YOU GUYS FOR MAKING ME DO THIS. However, at least the family will always have this to look back on ;-).

So, you Skydive, how did you start and what are you up to now?
Yes I do. A while back I bought the family an RV. A real nice one, something that only cousin Eddy would envy and lament at the same time. On our first trip with it we headed up to a campground upstate. When we arrived the campground was basically on lockdown due to a crane pick. We set up and had nothing to do. Right above us tons of skydivers were jumping, long story short the kids dared me and bam I was hooked! As of today, I am a fully sponsored athlete and I travel often to help host parties and events. If people really want to learn more about that they can head to the lunatic fringe podcast - plenty about me on there. And that's all I got to say about that
Fuck Yeah -- That Beard
How did you become interested in sailing?
This hit me like a ton of bricks! Man, I was done with boats. I had boats and jet skis for like ever and was just sick of them. Really I was a land and air guy for years. I go one a boys trip every year up the Hudson and to be honest that was plenty. Anyway, last july 19th I was invited by a friend to go sailing. I was going to skip but the family didn't want to do anything but sit in the pool. So I got designated Jill - My wife to drive me to the marina cause I knew I was about to drink and I mean lots… The second that boat pulled off the dock and we put up the sails ……. I was hooked. From that moment on I would help crew NEMO any time they would have me, when I say crewed I really mean got drunk and enjoyed the ride. Long story short I searched and searched for a yacht of my own and could not find a single boat. Being sent south to Louisiana on storm response did not help my search as well. Finally on September 11th 2021 I was able to get my first sailboat and I have been working on her ever since.
Thats Nemo
When did you start?
Well, I want to say I really started sailing on September 13th. That was the day I took Artemis home. It was at that moment I realized that maybe I should've paid more attention when out on Nemo. 187nm home with nothing by some drunken experience on a friend's boat. So, even though I was out a few times before buying the boat, I'm still calling this my baptism lol.
Sep 13th Long Island Sound
What kind of boat do you have?
Artemis is a 1985 Catalina 30 tall rig, and I love it for my first sailboat. Not to Big but still large for the family and friends.
September 11th 2021
What is your most memorable moment aboard your Catalina 30?
I have two, the first being my delivery home.My buddy Steve and I sailed 27hrs and 187 nm home. Me with basically zero experience and him with only a half season and on a ketch and no knowledge of a head sail. Sailing through Hell’s gate NYC was amazing even if we did hit all the tides wrong. That trip will forever be ingrained in my mind.
Second, my friend Dan and I took the boat out without anyone else. My words to him the night before, “it's going to blow 25 kts tomorrow, I'm going out to learn how to sail or sink the boat trying”. Needless to say he came and I learned a lot that day, including never to lean against the head sail while underway. Yup I fell off the boat 1 mile from shore. Dan had never sailed and had no idea how to turn the boat around. I spent 20 min in the water that day and it will remain one of the best sailing memories ever.
*Right before he fell in*
It was at this moment he knew he fucked up
So whats up with all the insane photos?
LOL, what insane photos. Maybe you just don't have any taste or an artistic pallet. Let me just add that my Google reviews esp the hotel ones have over 5.1 million views. So if you ask me my silly photos are a hit!
But really, my photos make people giggle, including myself. One day my kids are going to look back and say ***????***!!!!******????****. Besides, I look good in a tutu.
Hey Marriott -- Just a taste of what we need to deal with LOL
One more lol lol lol
I swear Marriott is going to hire him to visit every hotel
Tell us all a little bit about your YouTube channel!
Hmm? Well when I got the Catalina 30, I was not able to find a single YouTube channel with how to’s. How can this boat have none, It had the longest production timeline like ever. So me being handy I thought it might be fun to start one to help others out along the way. After a few hundred subscribers I thought maybe i'll expand the channel to include some other sailing content. I also thought it would be a cool way to leave the kids some memories for later in life. Let me just say this, my videos aren't fancy. I use MS video editor and my skydive cams to film. I Hope people like it but in the end i'm just having fun.

How about them speedos?
For the last time!!!! Speedos are amazing, not only super fun for photos but super comfy. I have at least 3 that I know are mens and 2 that I'm pretty sure are womens :-P. I am looking to add a few more this season so keep your eyes out on my insta for some super inspiring photos — I'm a trendsetter !!!
Only You Brian!!!!!!!!
What is your favorite part of the sailing life?
Oh man, It's the excitement. Being on a sailboat is nothing like being on a motorboat. From the lines, helm and the wind, something is always going on. Being on a sailboat is - more about being on the boat unlike a motorboat being more about the destination. Maybe I enjoy it so much because of the wind, as a skydiver the wind feels like home.
dam you can flex
*What is your least favorite part of the lifestyle?
Right now, I would have to say my lack of knowledge. Other than that I have no complaints.
Might not know how to sail but you sure can sing
Tell me about your shenanigans at sea.
Hey I like to have fun and I do not get embarrassed easily. The Rum is always gone and my skin likes to be kissed by the sun. People should be less worried about what others think and just have fun. We only get one chance to do this and I'm living up every moment.
If anyone wants to come get weird with me just hit me up!
So anyone want to get weird with him?
Do you prefer being at anchor or moving around?
As of today I like moving around as I am still learning how to sail. I will say the few times we stayed out at anchor were amazing though.
Thats Brian's Friend Justin who passed away Jan 17th
Spicy food?
Nothing to spicy for me I even make my own hot sauce and powder because nothing out there was hot enough for me.
Here is the link to his recipe
What are some of the must haves you have on your boat that you couldn't go without?
Hmm, well i'm still learning what is a must have. I will say that Rum is a must. Other than that, some good friends or my family is all I really care about for now. This season I plan on adding an AC. Also im adding a solar generator for a wider range of charging and power options.
Take the Helm
What's next for you and your adventures?
What not next! Soon I'm headed to the islands for some diving and R&R. And this spring I have a bunch of skydive events I am attending. Other than that I plan on learning Artemis and get ready for my next big adventure but I can't tell you what that is just yet. Oh and more cow bell!
So much Brian
Scuba diving?
Oh yeah, I learned in Aruba when I was 13. Nothing beats a deep dive then going for a skydive right after lol lol. Two years ago I was able to take my 13 year old daughter for her first dive, it was amazing to watch her doing it at the same age I started.
Hell yeah Ryan
What's it like living on a boat?
I don't know, I lived in many places. House, Van, Hotel, RV and now I Weekend on the boat. I think I could handle it. I look at it like this - it's super small so it's not too hard to keep clean.
First night we slept on it
Favorite meal to cook while out at sea?
Yummmm, I love to cook anything. But so far Rice and cream of mushroom beef is my go to. It's easy to make and freaking delish. But I really haven't cooked much on the boat to date.
And for tonights main course
Where would you like to see yourselves in 10 years?
Wow great question, If we are taking about sailing - I would think it would be great to be in the islands. Maybe send Artemis down to FL and leave her on the hard and splash when we are headed down. Or hey why not on a bigger boat. Maybe get to the level that I am at with skydiving, you know, writing about the sport and getting a ton of sponsors ( Hint Hint ). Since this isn't about skydiving I’ll leave that out. Life in general i'd like to still be alive and and kicking around with my wife and kids.

What was your favorite port so far and why?
No clue as I haven't traveled with the boat much, however Croton Point is a super fun area to weekend.
How about Southport NC
Sweet or sour?
Sour all day long

Whats your favorite book?
The Count of Monte Cristo I don't know how many times I have red this
Who reads Abridges versions?
*What is the craziest thing you have done while sailing to date?
Fallen off far from land with no life vest lol. And some other stuff.
PussFoot for life
Never mind while sailing, what's the craziest thing you've ever just done?...
I have no way to answer this. Everything I do tops the last thing. People that know me will understand.
A flamethrower.. oh boy
Favorite Movie?
Fight Club
Oddly I have heard many people refer to you as their "Tyler Durden"
Fun Fact?
Dr. Oz had me on his show once
Only You Brian
Pool or Beach?
Depends on the pool or the beach, most days its the beach.

Do you have any advice for a new sailor?...
Yes, Do not listen to anyone, read, learn how to tie a knot (can't tie a knot - tie alot)
Last but not least — Drink a lot of fucking RUM and get some fun hats!
here you can see both
Do you have any advice for anyone looking to just get up and start sailing?
Hell yeah - come out on my boat and see if you like it
looks like someone might get to have some fun with you
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to buy a boat?
I would say, Never look at a boat without some money to put down. Be fast, don't wait, right now everyone is trying to get a boat so you need to be a ninja. Use paypal for deposit and get a survey. Also Do NOT be afraid of a boat that needs some work. Working on your boat will teach you about all of its ins and outs.

If you were a drink what would you be and why?
The Pussfoot - Rum Unsweetend Ice tea and a splash of Ginger
I made this drink while waiting in the Delta lounge and never looked back

Do you prefer the number 34 or 3?
Funny you left this question for me. 343 is my number. Fun Fact its hidden in all of my tattoos
Now we know
Remember to check out his YouTube!
Knowing Brian I'm sure this spring its going to get very intresting
Update Insta was hacked :-(
Below is the new acct
Insta @Brian.Casserly

Brian, we want to say thank you for doing this. I know you hate these! We have heard you complain over the years for each and every magazine, news write-up and TV slot you have been on, always trying to give the featurs to someone else, never thinking you deserve it and always nervous no one will like it. Well we know they will like this one. You are always true and yes weird but thats what makes you the best.
You have done so much for so many people and brought so much joy to the world, and for this we thank you
Love you to death
Stay safe and keep inspiring the world to be a better place
Best part is you have only been sailing for a few months and look at the content you provided. LOL - almost nervous to do the skydiving one.
Brought to you by: PussFoot and family
How you do not have your own TV show?
Beyond EPIC – and you have your face on a shirt. I am so ordering one LOL
Dark Angel - I can’t wait
We can’t wait to hang out with Brian aboard Artemis or Dark Angel. The RUM will be well stocked!
I shared this so hard. Keep up the epic shit! 🍻
This just made my day
Y arent you omn TV.
Your photos are beyond hysterical
Thank you for this