
Rachel Belmont - A woman who Runs and stuff

Rachel Belmont - A woman who Runs and stuff

VENI VIDI VICI *   * THIS WEEKS INTERVIEW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY The Fuckin Pilot Into the Void  A Podcast for fun people https://thefuckinpilot...
Hang Gliding - the thrill, the rush and did I mention the view

Hang Gliding - the thrill, the rush and did I mention the view

Recently I decided to check out a fellow jumpers passion for hang gliding. Bryon Estes is not only a skydiver but also a licensed hang gliding i...
DropZone of the Week: Adirondack Skydive

DropZone of the Week: Adirondack Skydive

So, its October, and I can think of anywhere in the country I would rather jump then New York. No not the city, but upstate. Nowhere else in the co...
My Pussfoot Moment: 3 Questions with Eric Normandin

My Pussfoot Moment: 3 Questions with Eric Normandin

Meet Eric Normandin, one of our Pussfoot athletes.  Just like any of you reading this Eric has had his moments of absolute fear and absolute achie...
Wicked Wingsuits ( Wingsuit rentals )

Wicked Wingsuits ( Wingsuit rentals )

VENI VIDI VICI     Pussfoot is dedicated to bring you media content that will keep you engaged. No matter if it’s sky, skate, bike, or surf related...